
It was a bittersweet weekend. For me, I spent time with my family, met with a kinesiologist to help me with my injured shoulder, and stayed positive about my job search. All in all, a good weekend.

On a sad note, I learned of two men whose creative work I have greatly appreciated over the past 25 years had passed away suddenly.

Aron Eisenberg played Nog on Star Trek: Deep Space 9. A fun character whose best episode was the classic It’s Only A Paper Moon. He will be missed by the Star Trek community at large.

Steven Johansson was part of the creative team behind Knights of the Dinner Table, one of my favourite comic books published by KenzerCo. KODT is a tale about friends enjoying HackMaster and other role-playing games. The comic created by Jolly Blackburn included many stories co-written by Steven.

While I’ve been focused on the job search of late, my problems seem insignificant when people lose a loved one. I am grateful for all I have and my heart goes out to Aron’s and Steven’s families, friends and fans. May they rest in peace.

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