
To close out the year 2019, I would like to recap a few significant moments in my life.

2019 started off with a job I hated and a search for a new opportunity that was frustrating, to say the least. After the holidays, I had a series of interviews that lead to me being hired on February 1st. A month later, saying goodbye to my friends and colleagues of 20 years was the toughest thing I had ever experienced in my career. Still, I made a move to improve my situation and did not regret it.

The new job started in March and I had to learn a whole new way to work. Building new friendships can be tough at first but I came to really appreciate my new work family. The work was interesting and I felt appreciated, much more than before. There were times where I did feel alone since I was in charge of as a department of 1 — me. Other teams had multiple members and they had meetings and talks where the camaraderie was evident.

Through the summer, the company was tightening its belt because the investments they needed had not come in yet. Still, I went to Toronto twice for business and enjoyed taking the train there. I also got to see my cousin and his wife. The weather was great both times and it felt good to be out of the office.

The rest of the summer was VERY hectic with the extra work I had to do with my German colleague being away on vacation and paternity leave. When he got back, everything calmed down to the point where I spent 2 weeks catching up on paperwork before going on vacation.

When I got back, I spent a week catching up once again and then the axe fell. I and three of my colleagues were laid off. Lack of money was the reason. It was a shock for all of us. Sadly, I did not find a job as quickly as others.

My job search started off well in September and hit a wall in October. I joined a job search group which has led me to better understand how to find work in 2019. December was a very productive month with interviews and one rejection for a job I really wanted. A lot of the groundwork I have laid could lead to some interesting stuff in the new year.

Starting on January 2, the search continues with a renewed vigour and the goal of finding not just a job, but my dream job.

My deepest thanks to everyone in my life for their support during this unique year. I would like to wish my family, friends and fellow job hunters, a Happy New Year for 2020 — a year filled with new challenges, great opportunities, good health and plenty of happiness for all.


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