
Welcome to the new ConsultSKC.com.

August 12th 2018 marks the 20th anniversary of my company and my career-long quest to work with small and medium enterprises — people like me — and help them achieve great things. Their success is my success and it drives me ever forward. If this sounds cliche, it is because it’s true.

I began my career not knowing what a consultant was. I was hired by a software reseller that needed an engineering graduate to demo products and teach customers how to use the software it sold. Looking back, I fell into this career path by accident since no other company wanted to hire me. I chose to try it out and be the best consultant I could be.

Most people could become a consultant like me. Which begs the question: what is a consultant? My goal going forward is to explore that exact question with all visitors to this site. I have gained valuable knowledge and experience over 20 years that I wish to share and use to help people that need help with their businesses.

If you’re visiting my site, it’s probably because you have a small business and need to improve it in some way or need help with a particular project. I hear you. I have called upon many small business consultants over the years to assist me in helping my customers succeed. SMBs and large enterprises differ greatly due in no small part to the size of the organisation and the resources that are available. That doesn’t mean that SMBs are weaker, but they need to excel in order to survive and grow. My mission is to be the factor them aids or pushes them to excel when they are stuck.

My philosophy in regards to my own business is to try and improve small pieces of the puzzle on a regular basis. For example, after two years of debating what the new site should look like and how to do as efficiently as possible, I bit the bullet and went with WordPress as the CMS. I tried to code a website by hand and was never able to invest enough work to make it work. Is this a failure? No! I learned valuable lessons about the process, which I had never done before, and gained some important wisdom as a result that I can use to help others. Even writing this blog post required me to use some HTML skills I learned over the past couple of years, so no knowledge is ever lost or wasted.

I will use this site to publish articles on technology, leadership, food for thought, and a little fun because if you’re not having fun, it’s not worth it.

Stay tuned for more coming in short order. Thank you for dropping by and come back soon.

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